♥♥♥ hApPy biRThdaY anTE cRisPe ♥♥♥

by nAmAe

haPPy bIrthdAy aNte cRisPe

♥♥♥ wisH u oL tHe bEst iN u'r bIrthddAy,
hoPing fOr u'r goOd heALth oLwAys,

mAy God gUidE u oLwAys in u'R wOrk,

u HaVe evErytHimg nAh PerO pRay jpOn oLways.

fRom U,R loVinG fAmiLy

♥Lola dAdaY
♥pApA bO
♥bAdAY ,BonG2, dOn, iAn ,BentOy ,dErEk , nat2
♥nAmAe & pEm2
♥pApa omar
♥jinGLe, diNE2 ,Pj ,aNgEl ,ivAn

♥♥♥♥ wE lOve YOu mUch AntE ♥♥♥♥

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